Spark Park
“We went to the Garden where Fun Happens”

What does that look like?
What does it feel like?
What does it smell like?
What colour is fun?
Do you WHISPER it or SHOUT it?
Do you trust it? Do you doubt it?
Does fun sigh or giggle?
Does it shiver? Does it wriggle?
How do YOU measure pleasure?

What food shall we take to the picnic of play?
A drop of daydream in a bowl of warm thought,
Cooked till – Abracadabra –
Chocolate, chewy as a good chat on the phone,
With a friendly Fimble,

We bring Bouncy Castle Biscuits,
Contract–to–Play–For–Arsenal with Chips,
Pink Poodle Ravioli with added Andrew Flintoff,
Light Sabre Pie,
Hot Toilet Seat Pizza...
Mmm! Hot toilet seat pizza!

Take our picnic to the Unknown Garden
The Hidden Garden
The Da Vinci Garden,
All the colours of a brilliant painting.

And the smell of farm. We like that smell.
And – this may sound strange –
The smell of petrol, chocolate, cocnut, freshly cut grass,
Leather too,
Smooth on the one side, rough on the other,
A good natural smell.

We like the feel
Of swimming in the pool
Riding the pony, real or imaginary,
Dad;s motorbike on a sunny day
Thinking of sport
Thinking of mad stunts to do,
Thinking up tunes for the band,
Dreaming of swimming underwater without going up for air
Dreaming of my bed swallowing me up,

I flew all the world around the world with no help on my own

Dreaming of the gates of the garden of play

You think: will I dare to go in there?
Is something going to bite me?
Will I feel something sticky – yucky,
What the heck!

Its ok – it feels good inside
Familiar, like home but not.

This garden of play is buzzing and gorgeous and generous –
A place that makes you go

What shall we call it
This place that makes you go

This place where our whole lives flash,
Before our eyes,
Where lights go on and off and on,
Where you don’t feel tense and heavy handed,
Where you find you have,
People skills, thinking skills, daydreaming skills, comedian skills,
Magic skills...


Where is this place of buzz and hum and friendly laughter?
Let’s build it together –
Beyond our imaginations, but not too far.

Let’s name this place.
Call it:
Call it: Our Daydream Garden
Call it
The Spark Park
Call it
The Spark
Call it
The Place that makes you go

Assembled by Chris Meade from the words of pupils at Cedar Wood School.